Friday, November 11, 2011

Footsteps of the Wannabes

What Priesthood?

Dear L,

Here's another one that superficially looks nondescript and even irrelevant. But as the saying goes, the devil is in the details.

Joseph Smith puts the Aaronic priesthood ahead of the Levitical. At least until "the sons of Levi offer an offering in righteousness."

But here's how it goes genetically, for there is no priesthood in Israel that is not genetic:

Aaron and Moses are first cousins. Aaron's father, Aye, and Moses' mother, Tiye, are siblings. Aaron's mother Tey, is a descendent of ... Levi! Aaron's father Aye, is a descendent of Ham through the Hyksos kings by his father Yusuf, and a descendent of Esau through his mother, who was a daughter of Potipher. The very same Potipher's wife who the Deuteronomists claim tried to seduce Joseph, son of Jacob/Israel. That Joseph story is bogus because there are several hundred years between Joseph son of Jacob, and Yusuf, Vizier to the Pharaoh who married Potipher's daughter. As for Moses' father, he was AmenhotepIII, pharaoh of Egypt in a typical matrilineal descent. His connection in the whole shebang is that character AmenemhetI of the 12th dynasty who was a son of Terah and half brother to Abraham!

Anyway, at Mt Hor Aaron was stripped of priestly vestments and subsequently died. I believe there is a lot more to this story, for Moses was a pharaoh himself, none other than Akhenaten, the True Believer of the ONE GOD who was expelled from Egypt. I suspect Aaron may have been murdered, or died of a heart attack. Aaron actually ruled Egypt for a short time when Moses was expelled. So, one must ask the question: How could there be an Aaronic priesthood if it was taken from the originator thereof? And who gave it to him, Moses? Or was it truly through his father, Pharaoh Aye? From that point on you don't read much about Aaron's priestly posterity, since it is the priests of Levi who are writing--ahem, REwriting the history of Israel in the Pentateuch!

The whole thing is quite convoluted and it is hard to figure out who's genealogy is the most direct. But just when you start to think this is getting sorted out we run into a swamp of details. Jesus is supposedly the rightful heir to the throne of Israel (but according to Morgdumb Jesus/Jehovah castigated Israel back in the days of Samuel the prophet for throwing out the Judges and installing Saul as king!), but the Herod line during Jesus' lifetime also were of rightful descent. I do not have that genealogy. As the story goes, Jesus was a descendent of David, who was a descendent of Boaz, who was a descendent of JUDAH by way of an illegitimate child, Pharez. Now Judah was not the oldest, Reuben was. Yet Levi's descendents get a priesthood while neither Reuben nor Judah do by the time of Moses, and today nearly every male in the church is told his heritage is through Ephraim (still a different brother) which members are told has the right to the priesthood of Melchizedek! At this point one must ask the question who's priesthood is genuine, or are they all bogus?  I go for the latter because it is consistent with the victim mentality and squabbling that shows up repeatedly in Israel's history.

What do we know of Melchizedek? He is the king of Shâlem (Salem), the original city upon which modern Jerusalem is built. He "blessed (with bread and wine)" Abraham for having participated in the battle of kings in that area wherein Lot was rescued from the Elamite king Chedorlaomer. From the Ras Shamra tablets we learn Melchizedek was a priest of his father who was none other than El Elyon, one of the Anunnaki overlords of Sumer, Adam's uncle! Here is a completely different genealogical strain which has no known posterial connection to the house of Jacob. There are those who would claim Abraham received his priesthood from Melchizedek as part of the "blessing (a mistranslated word)" but there is no evidence anywhere in the world, not even within Morgdumb to support it.  Emmanuel Velikovsky defines the word Melchizedek as “Zedek is [My] King”, with Zedek being the local name for Jupiter.  It was during Abraham's lifetime that Jupiter was worshiped instead of Saturn.  So by inference, Melchizedek was a worshiper of Jupiter.  In addition, the "secular" texts record that Abraham shared with Melchizedek the spoils of war against Chedorlaomer, whereas the Morgdumb text says he paid tithes to Melchizedek.  Very little is known about Melchizedek beyond these facts at this time.

By now it should be fairly evident that the Old Testament (like the New Testament), is laced with lies, forgeries, and corrupted accounts all designed to position the children of Jacob as the "chosen" people of God, perpetuating the sibling rivalry of his brother, Esau. (The irony is many of their descendents intermarried!) The whole extent of it is a fraud perpetrated by the Levitical priests returning from Babylon ca 600BC who apparently have a terrible inferiority complex, and therefore carry the largest victim complex the world has ever known.

You may not remember Alvin R Dyer and his doctrine of literal "transubstantiation" whereby anyone who joined the LDS church became an actual, literal descendent of Israel by action of the Holy Ghost. Their DNA was changed! I remember wondering what evidence Alvin had for that doctrine and thoroughly expected to discover some revelation. Haha! When he died no more was heard of it and his books went out of circulation. Today we now know there are NO literal descendents of Israel from the time of the Diaspora anywhere in the world. It is impossible to trace by DNA as there is no genetic marker that can be tagged as "Jewish."

Doesn't all this ancient Biblical history sound like the mishmash we were taught under the church's CES?

Seth Smee

P.S.  Mr. Gardiner asserts by Biblical genealogy and the King’s list, along with a number of cited sources, that the character Noah and his listed Biblical ancestry is bogus.  Noah never existed!  The story is apparently taken from a contemporary figure of the Flood and deliberately ascribed to a non-existent son of Lamech in order to move the Israelite ancestry out of the line of Cain, who the Deuteronomists had already disparaged by way of improper transcription of older texts as a murderer and cursed man.  If Mr Gardiner’s investigations are correct, then Noah could not have appeared as Elias in Kirtland, on 3 April, 1836.  Sections 107, 110, and 138 of the D&C therefore are fraudulent with regard to priesthoods and their keys.  It also makes the business of the transfiguration recorded in Matthew, Mark, and Luke suspect, for Elias (Noah) never lived and the cartouche of Moses (Akhenaten) was found unused.  No one knows where Akhenaten was buried, while the Levitical deuteronomists say Moses was taken up by God.  Morgdumb asserts Moses was translated and never died--a doctrine distinctly out of sync with the rest of history.

The Origin of God Laurence Gardner 2010
Genesis of the Grail Kings Laurence Gardner 1999
The Older Testament Margaret Barker 2005
The Great Angel Margaret Barker 2005
The Controversy of Zion Douglas Reed 1995

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