Friday, May 27, 2011

Of Metaphor and Myth; The Creation

Except perhaps in the office of the psychotherapist, nowhere is the use of metaphor more common, and embellished than that found in religion.  In all the major religions we observe the same themes, and they are derivations of a much older mythology.  Indeed, when one comes to grips with the Creation mytheme, it is clearly evident the Creation story as told in Mormon literature is more corrupt than that of the ancient Semitic. 

Margaret Barker has demonstrably shown that the Semitic account of Creation and the ancient Priestly Order is a production of the Deuteronomists, who systematically rewrote the ancient history as had among the pre-Exilic Israelites.  Throughout the Old Testament texts the credibility of Israel’s priests and religious dogma reverberates, as though these ancient priests were compelled to prove their authenticity.  Superimposed on the credibility theme is an intense sense of inferiority, as though these priests of the post-exilic period had something to hide. Their transition from a belief in a pantheon of Gods to the One True God was so loudly heralded that the world has been in conflict over whose God is the True God ever since.  Millions of lives have been decimated througout the ensuing millennia over this conflict.  At the microscopic level we have Protestants accusing Mormons they worship a different Jesus than found in the Bible.  At the macroscopic level we have a remnant of the Khazars, a bunch of Turks who converted to Judaism, attempting to re-establish their world dominance, not just as rulers, but as the only pure, chosen people of God to inherit the earth via the New World Order.  It is no coincidence those wandering Turks adopted Judaism; the Israelites were also once known as the Shepherd peoples, a nomadic bunch who constantly squabbled with one another over territory and supremacy.  The inferiority complex is indeed quite ancient, and actually has its roots in the Fall, Flood, and the expulsion from “Paradise.”

For many years studying the Mormon Enochic and Mosaic accounts I stumbled repeatedly in my effort to reconcile those accounts with the more ancient, commonly known texts.  Nothing would line up.  There were only fragments that seemed to correlate, and then the whole assemblage would collapse as the respective stories diverged.  I discovered that at the Council of Nicea, the book of Enoch was discarded as heretical in favor of John’s Revelation, and was much perplexed by this.  Why would a bunch of priests of dubious authority collectively eschew an ancient text in favor of a more recent “vision” which is clearly as metaphorical as the Nostradamus quatrains?  Every religious prognosticator since that Council has attempted to align John’s vision with contemporary events, down to the most recent declaration of World’s End on May 21st, 2011.  The most common explanation is that the doctrines promulgated in the Enochic text were incompatible with the conception of God contemporary with the Nicean priests. My frustration was only heightened attending the Mormon temple and memorizing the Creation account presented there verbatim.  It wasn’t long before inconsistencies and a clear message of capriciousness in the behavior of the Gods solidified.  It soon became evident to me the Mormon Creation story was a jumbled mass of various themes thrown together in an attempt to recreate the much older Deutronomic account.  Just as a person naturally maneuvers to different areas of a grand, 1000 piece puzzle to fill in the obscure areas, so I was driven to drop this line of study of the Creation and begin elsewhere for more information.  Oddly enough, I stumbled on to a new vector while studying the most recent postulates concerning the Cosmos in the field of electricity.

It seems there is a confluence of research in various scientific disciplines, all pointing to a common origin.  Plasma physics has entered the realm of astrophysics in an attempt to explain observations and make predictions that are repeatable.  Astrophysics is the business of trying to explain the origin of the Universe, and subsequently our solar system.  And it’s theories and postulates have failed miserably until the entrance of plasma physics to the scene.  In a similar vein, researchers of the world’s Mythology were unsuccessful for centuries in completely explaining the motifs and symbology found around the world, all pointing to a common theme.  Again, enter the science of electrified plasma and suddenly the symbols and metaphors of the Creation Myths are identified and unlocked.  When researcher Dave Talbott was introduced to plasma physics by physicist Wal Thornhill, and Dave’s work verified to stunning accuracy by plasma physicist Anthony Peratt, suddenly the ancient Myths took on a new dimension of clarity and meaning.  In the midst of this artifact researcher Klaus Donna has conclusively shown the pre-megalithic ancient world not only spoke and wrote one common language, but were well acquainted with other civilized areas of the planet and traded commodities long before conventional science allows metal tools.  The material these researchers are bringing together is an unprecedented cohesive view not only of our planet’s history, but also its cosmological genesis.  The picture of our past, the origin of religions, the origin of Man, the concept of the Gods are all being laid out and identified in a cohesive Creation account, tying together virtually everything man knows about his past.

Some of the themes that never made sense to me in the Mormon Creation account are:

War in Heaven
Tree of Life
Son of the Morning
The Morning Star
The Serpent and its conflation with the Old Testament Jehovah
The Dragon who wars with the archangels
The Entwined Serpents as the symbol of Eternal Life
Paradise and the Garden of Eden
The creation of Adam and Eve
Eve’s seduction and the Fall
Creation of physical elements by unresurrected spiritual beings
Casting of Lucifer and his angels to the earth

Little did I know at the time I attended the temple ceremonies that an understanding of these themes could not be had by literal interpretation, but by metaphor.  All of these and many more are identified and have a logical context when interpreted by the tools of science applied to the metaphorical symbols of the Creation Myth.  Our ancient progenitors knew what they were talking about with regard to the Flood, the Fall, Paradise, one language, a time before the earth was divided, and their metaphorical use of Gods to explain the events of the Fall from Paradise.  It becomes clear what the Deuteronomist priests were up to when they subverted the Sumerian Creation Myth to their own purposes in re-establishing a nation once decimated for their intolerance, fundamentalism, and genocide.

Suddenly the pieces began to fit in this master puzzle, and the repercussion relative to Mormonism is simply that Joseph Smith never had a single revelation as purported in Mormon literature.  His Mosaic and Enochic accounts are as much a fraud as his Abrahamic account was shown to be nearly a half century past.  The entire structure of “scripture” invented from remnants of the Creation Myth derived from the Deuteronomist subversion crumbles, and with it, the entire Creation story of the temple as well as the Plan of Salvation.  The conflicting view of Christ as benevolent and long suffering with the vengeful Christ punishing His people disappears.  The mystery of the Atonement dissolves and is replaced with a more meaningful, gentler monograph of man’s fallible nature and his escape from that fallibility.

The phrase “All roads lead to Rome” is equally applicable to the evidence surrounding the fraudulent nature of the “Restoration” as proclaimed by Joseph Smith; the science, the mythology, the inconsistencies in doctrines, the disparity of his historical character as opposed to that propagandized, the lack of clear, unequivocal evidence for priesthood authority, and the bastardizing of Masonic ritual in the attempt to create a cult of loyal followers who would take the heat whenever he was found in violation of civil law.  In like manner, the growth of the three major religions on this planet and their roots in Egyptian-cum-Sumerian origin becomes manifest.

With the collaboration of researchers around the world we now have keys that unlock the stories of Man’s past, and the planet upon which he resides.  Our presence here is at once much older than the biblical account, and much younger than traditional science has pontificated.  It is an exciting and exhilarating experience to discover one’s connection and position in History, and to equally place the earth in the proper context of the Cosmos in a Creation story that answers and explains cultural heritage around the world and throughout recorded history.


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