Nothing is as it seems
My "wayward" brother who has spent his life going to and fro upon the earth once remarked to me that one of the aspects of Morgdumb that always bothered him was the focus on lording over other people. He was quite adamant that he did not have the desire to rule over anyone, much less to seek a priest-king anointing, ruling forever over ever-increasing posterity, worlds without end. When Morgdoc was phrased in this manner I had to agree with him that I had no such aspirations either. Yet every member of that misbegotten church is prodded, provoked, and prevailed upon to exert all their energies to that end--even at the cost of all their earthly and familial resources. From whence comes this obsession?
There is certainly a lot we have not learned about the Kirtland period and the association between Joshua Seixas and Joseph Smith. But since most of this Priesthood-ascendancy has its roots in the time of the School of the Prophets, we can infer by historical counterpart what kinds of conversations Joseph had with Joshua. None of the doctrines presented in the temple and corresponding priesthood "ordinances" appear in MorgMyth earlier than this.
For decades I searched for an understanding of the temple "endowment", but never arrived at a core understanding of its origin until delving into ancient history. The answers have been coming in a staccato rate, and a picture is forming out of a Sumerian Creation story 2,000 years older than the Genesis dating (~6,000 BC). Like all discoveries, it is illuminating and integrative. What formerly seemed an eternal mystery is now comprehensible connective patterns of human behavior.
If there is one word that describes the history of Israel and its impact on the civilizations of the world it would be feud. Feuding is how it all began, and what has driven the ideologies of the three major world religions. Feuding is over ascendancy, the right and privilege to govern others, and the mainspring of exaltation. Joseph was attracted to it as naturally as water droplets coalesce during rain. We have the writings of the Sumerians upon clay to thank for this insight, recently coming forward in scholarly publications and the popular press. The Creation account in Morgdum's "endowment", is none other than a bastardized and butchered story of the feuding between two brothers, Enlil and Enki, sons of the chief Anannage ruler, An. The mantle of authority was given to Enlil, and Enlil sought to undermine Enki's work. In Joseph's version of the Deuteronomist's Creation account, Enlil is Jehovah (YHWH), while in the Sumerian, Enki is the Serpent Nahash (NHSH). Already informed Mormons perceive a corruption.
Jesus was not the God of the Old Testament, Jehovah, as proclaimed by the CES. Dr Raphael Patai (lecturer at the Hebew University in Jerusalem), taught that Jehovah is the consonantal form of the acronym YHWH. Y represents the father El/Eloah/Ilu, known as El Shaddai, El Elyon, and mistranslated as God Almighty, the Most High, who was known Semitically as the "Shining Lord of the Mountain." (Ilu Kur-gal). Margaret Barker strove in vain to identify El Elyon in her books, The Older Testament, and The Great Angel. She was definitely on to something when she observed traces of the ancient Royal Cult in the Old Testament were erased by the Deuteronomists, of which their part in this comes later in this post.
Lucifer is not Satan nor the Serpent, as taught by the Morg's fifteen Apostates. It is common scholarly knowledge that the word Lucifer means "bearer of light" and has reference to the planet Venus. The passage in Isaiah 14:12 does not refer to Satan, but to the king of Babylon. The conflation of Lucifer with Satan came many centuries after Isaiah's diatribe. Nahash, the consonantal form of NHSH, means "wise one" and was commonly used when referring to sages. The Serpent figure is older than the Deluge, and not associated with evil as Deuteronomists bastardized it in the O.T..
These two debauched and misdirecting definitions are at the core of Morgdoc's errors. Whether Joseph took liberties with the Creation characters, or Joshua was ill informed we shall likely never know. I have been unable to turn up further information on the rabbi than what is covered in MorgMyth. It is such irony that we are able to identify the original characters of the Creation account superseding the Deuteronomic Genesis renovation circa 600 BC (a story that originated about 9500 BC) but nearly impossible to trace how Joseph got the idea Jesus was Jehovah and put him in as co-creator in his "endowment", and making Jesus' brother a noncorporeal competitor taking control of a serpent's body to disrupt their father's procreation.
The first H letter Dr. Patai identifies as Ashtoreth/Asherah/Elath/Ninlil/Ishtar, consort to El. She was venerated by the Hebrews until the Deuteronomist priests excised her from the list of worshiped Gods. It is important to keep in mind that Isaiah wrote after the Deuteronomist priests butchered their history. Any references Isaiah makes to the Creation figures is necessarily unreliable.
The letter W refers to the son of El and Ashtoreth, Baal, which name is a concatenation meaning Lord, and otherwise known as Hadad. The second H refers to Baal's sister, Anath/Inanna/Astarte, known as the goddess of love and war. Enlil was the son of El and Ki (Earth Mother), while Enki was the son of El and Antu (Lady of the Sky). Both mothers were sisters to El.
The feuding between the brothers began when Enlil, although older than Enki, was born of El's younger sister, Ki. Enki was born of Ki's older sister, Antu. Enki held to the matrilineal tradition, and therefore thought he should be heir to their father's throne when he died. This rivalry between older/younger sons, and between senior and junior mothers features as the predominant theme in Hebrew/Israeli history. Feudalism is the institutionalizing of this rivalry, and drives the movement of the New World Order today. Those people who lay claim to the ancient Hebrew traditions and right to lordship, elitism, and divine right are seeking the re-establishment of Feudalism, and the Ancient Order of the World which heralds back to the destruction of the world as told to Plato by the Egyptian priest, Manetho. All of the New World Order symbols are pre-Diluvian, products of an earlier culture and civilization.
These nine figures constitute the Elohim, or council of the Gods. The usage of Elohim as a proper name by Morgdumb is another of their errors, for it has reference to these Sumerian rulers, where El/An, is the senior ruler who binds the decision of the council and each wore a ring as symbolic identification of their position (Yes, Tolkien did some borrowing of the Anannage myth). El and his siblings were speculatively Atlantean survivors of the world-wide catastrophe circa 11,000 BC and found themselves desperately trying to revive the high civilization they had before the cataclysms of meteorite fires and flooding destroyed and sank most of it. In this revival effort we find Nin becoming the surrogate mother of an early "in-vitro-fertilzation" project where Enki fertilizes the ova of a common woman, and the embryo was born by Nin. The successful result was Atappa/Adapa/Adamu, our "father" Adam, being the first successful hybrid of Anannage DNA and the common folk. The purpose of the experiment was to produce a more intelligent but obedient race that could assist in rebuilding the gardens essential for human survival. To this end, Adam was anointed a priest and ruler over the garden project--until the brotherly feuding disrupted it, resulting in Adam being ejected from the Garden.
Priests in those days were not religious preservers, but guardians of the "secret" high knowledge of civilization held by the Anannage. It was the Egyptians who turned the priesthood into a caste system, in order to maintain strict adherence to the teachings of Horus, the system dating back to the Osiris Kingdom around 37,000 BC. Enlil swayed the Council against dissenting vote to flood the area and destroy the existing Sumerian race. They were too noisy and unruly. This act is what precipitated the creation of the Adamu strain that replaced them. The scope of the fraternal feud was enlarged when Enki sought to educate Adam (the race he spawned) in priestly knowledge as a facility of his stewardship. Enlil wanted to keep the Adamu ignorant. The entire venture became academic when the area was swept with further natural destruction and climate change, resulting in arid and windy conditions, destroying the fertility of the region. As in other subsequent ages, depredations are committed against peaceful, productive people and the combined circumstances enforced the migration of the ruling descendants of An, one of which was Abraham of Ur. So the original Creation account covers a period between 9500 and 2250 BC, with descending rulers acquiring the original titles of the Elohim council.
At junctures like these I hear G'Kar's advice to his friends: "Nothing on Babylon 5 is as it seems." The coup de grace in this corruption is Morgdumb's Godhead error concerning the Holy Spirit. Originally Ashtoreth was venerated as the female Goddess. But the Kaballah asserts that in time this veneration was amalgamated with her daughter, Anath. They were then referred to as the Shekhina (consort to Yahweh), an extraction of the Hebrew sh'kinah, meaning "to dwell." By the first century the Shekhina was said to have dwelt in the Tabernacle of Sinai and later in Solomon's Temple. It was associated with wisdom and an opposition to Yahweh's destructive behavior. The Shekhina is the Holy Spirit. Once feminine, corporeal, and possessed of wisdom and forebearance to violence, associated by the time of Jesus as a non-corporeal personage presumably of the same mind and will as Jehovah. We shouldn't feel too chagrined, Jesus was just as ignorant of the ancient corruptions in the old Hebrew texts as we are today. Just less so than the chauvinistic Morgdumb version.
Such is the secular history of the Biblical "Creation", and it begs the question: "What feelings does this incite in the religious person, especially the True Believer, when (s)he discovers that their beliefs are nothing more than an instrument of subjection and control, and that Man's religious history was invented for just such purpose?" To realize your beliefs are a product of the corruption of the priests returning from Babylonian captivity (Deuteronomists) that was deliberately performed to justify ascendancy of those priests over the priestly caste left behind in the wake of Nebuchadnezzar's wasting of Israel, --makes you feel good about your free agency and your eternal salvation, doesn't it, Morgites?
The Origin of God, Laurence Gardner
The Hebrew Goddess Raphael Patai
The Older Testament, The Great Angel, Margaret Barker
Ancient State: The Rulers and the Ruled, Old Testament and Related Studies Hugh Nibley
These two debauched and misdirecting definitions are at the core of Morgdoc's errors. Whether Joseph took liberties with the Creation characters, or Joshua was ill informed we shall likely never know. I have been unable to turn up further information on the rabbi than what is covered in MorgMyth. It is such irony that we are able to identify the original characters of the Creation account superseding the Deuteronomic Genesis renovation circa 600 BC (a story that originated about 9500 BC) but nearly impossible to trace how Joseph got the idea Jesus was Jehovah and put him in as co-creator in his "endowment", and making Jesus' brother a noncorporeal competitor taking control of a serpent's body to disrupt their father's procreation.
The first H letter Dr. Patai identifies as Ashtoreth/Asherah/Elath/Ninlil/Ishtar, consort to El. She was venerated by the Hebrews until the Deuteronomist priests excised her from the list of worshiped Gods. It is important to keep in mind that Isaiah wrote after the Deuteronomist priests butchered their history. Any references Isaiah makes to the Creation figures is necessarily unreliable.
The letter W refers to the son of El and Ashtoreth, Baal, which name is a concatenation meaning Lord, and otherwise known as Hadad. The second H refers to Baal's sister, Anath/Inanna/Astarte, known as the goddess of love and war. Enlil was the son of El and Ki (Earth Mother), while Enki was the son of El and Antu (Lady of the Sky). Both mothers were sisters to El.
The feuding between the brothers began when Enlil, although older than Enki, was born of El's younger sister, Ki. Enki was born of Ki's older sister, Antu. Enki held to the matrilineal tradition, and therefore thought he should be heir to their father's throne when he died. This rivalry between older/younger sons, and between senior and junior mothers features as the predominant theme in Hebrew/Israeli history. Feudalism is the institutionalizing of this rivalry, and drives the movement of the New World Order today. Those people who lay claim to the ancient Hebrew traditions and right to lordship, elitism, and divine right are seeking the re-establishment of Feudalism, and the Ancient Order of the World which heralds back to the destruction of the world as told to Plato by the Egyptian priest, Manetho. All of the New World Order symbols are pre-Diluvian, products of an earlier culture and civilization.
These nine figures constitute the Elohim, or council of the Gods. The usage of Elohim as a proper name by Morgdumb is another of their errors, for it has reference to these Sumerian rulers, where El/An, is the senior ruler who binds the decision of the council and each wore a ring as symbolic identification of their position (Yes, Tolkien did some borrowing of the Anannage myth). El and his siblings were speculatively Atlantean survivors of the world-wide catastrophe circa 11,000 BC and found themselves desperately trying to revive the high civilization they had before the cataclysms of meteorite fires and flooding destroyed and sank most of it. In this revival effort we find Nin becoming the surrogate mother of an early "in-vitro-fertilzation" project where Enki fertilizes the ova of a common woman, and the embryo was born by Nin. The successful result was Atappa/Adapa/Adamu, our "father" Adam, being the first successful hybrid of Anannage DNA and the common folk. The purpose of the experiment was to produce a more intelligent but obedient race that could assist in rebuilding the gardens essential for human survival. To this end, Adam was anointed a priest and ruler over the garden project--until the brotherly feuding disrupted it, resulting in Adam being ejected from the Garden.
Priests in those days were not religious preservers, but guardians of the "secret" high knowledge of civilization held by the Anannage. It was the Egyptians who turned the priesthood into a caste system, in order to maintain strict adherence to the teachings of Horus, the system dating back to the Osiris Kingdom around 37,000 BC. Enlil swayed the Council against dissenting vote to flood the area and destroy the existing Sumerian race. They were too noisy and unruly. This act is what precipitated the creation of the Adamu strain that replaced them. The scope of the fraternal feud was enlarged when Enki sought to educate Adam (the race he spawned) in priestly knowledge as a facility of his stewardship. Enlil wanted to keep the Adamu ignorant. The entire venture became academic when the area was swept with further natural destruction and climate change, resulting in arid and windy conditions, destroying the fertility of the region. As in other subsequent ages, depredations are committed against peaceful, productive people and the combined circumstances enforced the migration of the ruling descendants of An, one of which was Abraham of Ur. So the original Creation account covers a period between 9500 and 2250 BC, with descending rulers acquiring the original titles of the Elohim council.
At junctures like these I hear G'Kar's advice to his friends: "Nothing on Babylon 5 is as it seems." The coup de grace in this corruption is Morgdumb's Godhead error concerning the Holy Spirit. Originally Ashtoreth was venerated as the female Goddess. But the Kaballah asserts that in time this veneration was amalgamated with her daughter, Anath. They were then referred to as the Shekhina (consort to Yahweh), an extraction of the Hebrew sh'kinah, meaning "to dwell." By the first century the Shekhina was said to have dwelt in the Tabernacle of Sinai and later in Solomon's Temple. It was associated with wisdom and an opposition to Yahweh's destructive behavior. The Shekhina is the Holy Spirit. Once feminine, corporeal, and possessed of wisdom and forebearance to violence, associated by the time of Jesus as a non-corporeal personage presumably of the same mind and will as Jehovah. We shouldn't feel too chagrined, Jesus was just as ignorant of the ancient corruptions in the old Hebrew texts as we are today. Just less so than the chauvinistic Morgdumb version.
Such is the secular history of the Biblical "Creation", and it begs the question: "What feelings does this incite in the religious person, especially the True Believer, when (s)he discovers that their beliefs are nothing more than an instrument of subjection and control, and that Man's religious history was invented for just such purpose?" To realize your beliefs are a product of the corruption of the priests returning from Babylonian captivity (Deuteronomists) that was deliberately performed to justify ascendancy of those priests over the priestly caste left behind in the wake of Nebuchadnezzar's wasting of Israel, --makes you feel good about your free agency and your eternal salvation, doesn't it, Morgites?
The Origin of God, Laurence Gardner
The Hebrew Goddess Raphael Patai
The Older Testament, The Great Angel, Margaret Barker
Ancient State: The Rulers and the Ruled, Old Testament and Related Studies Hugh Nibley