Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Abraham, the Royal Cult lackey


                                                   What Dispensation?

    Abraham was a priest of the royal cult, back in the days when the weather was good and the Sumerian empire still had the virility to maintain its borders. Like many people, I was of the impression the Egyptian Dynasty was separate from the Sumerian civilization. But it is not so, as the tablets from Sumer attest. The Old Kingdom of Egypt was a vassalship of Sumer’s Anannage royalty. All the rulers are related, and derive their royal status through Cain, the son of Eve and Enki, her father. Adam’s firstborn son with Eve was Hevel (Abel) the elder of the other brother Sat-naal (Seth).

Abraham was also a sycophant. Being of royal Anannage descent he was entitled to a vassalship of his own, except that he was down the line, just a bit. While the Biblical ancestry of Abraham takes him through Shem, the fictitious son of a fictitious father Noah, the secular histories of the region put Abraham as a descendent of the Lords (Dukes) of Edom, who are direct descendents of Cain. Cain is the firstborn son of Adam’s wife Eve, by their mutual father Enki and their surrogate mother Nin-kharsag. The genetic origin of Adam and Eve through the ovum inplanted in Nin-kharsag is unknown, but it is known it was not of the Anannage Elohim. So Adam and Eve are half-brother and sister, a decidedly common practice of the Anannage royal cult, and practice of their descendents, the Egyptian pharaohs.

The Deuteronmists of the 6th century BC in their zeal to establish their supremacy as rulers post-Babylonian captivity, constructed a corrupted genealogy between Noah’s father Lamech and Adam’s second son, Seth. The Akkadian genealogy (the Mesopotamian civilization located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers north of the Persian Gulf) is far more accurate and older than the Deuteronomist fraud. Noah and Shem do not appear in the lineage from the true Lamech, 5th generation from Cain and Lord of Ur. Tubal-Cain, son of Lamech, King of Ur and known as the Vulcan, established the first Egyptian dynasty through his two sons Ham, and Japhet. It has long been known that the rulers of Egypt were outsiders, and this is who they are. And of course, the Deuteronomists created a similar fraud surrounding Moses, or the Mosis (royal Egyptian heir), Akhenaten, the deposed pharaoh of partial Habiru descent, who sought to establish a Supreme God among the other Egyptian Gods. Smarting from his expulsion, he and his one-time pharaoh and feeding brother Smenkare (cousin Aaron) being the last of the royal line sought to wrest the Kingdom from Seti I, grandson of Horemheb, the son-in-law of Aye who was the son of Yusuf the Vizier. Suffice it to say the dynasty was dying off and with the deposition of Akhenaten, that line of Egyptian royalty came to an end.

If the book of Jubilees is correct, Abraham was a descendant of King Ur-Nammu through his great-grandmother Ora, and was of the caste of Kasdim or Kasdeems; scholars, mathematicians, and astronomers. They were a fairly wealthy lot who dwelt in the area of Ur/Uruk. This area was sacked by a coalition of neighboring marauders, a likely consequence of the devastation of a bolide impact in the Gulf 300 years earlier, the invasion coinciding with a weakening of local political power. Abraham along with a group of family escapees (the ensis, local governors) headed northwest along the Euphrates river to Haran, on the northeast border of Canaan. This is how Abraham and his associates came to be known as Habiru, a Syrian name for those who came from across the Euphrates. Abraham’s brother Lot is captured in the Valley of Siddim, near Sodom, by the Elamite king Chederlaomer, head of the coalition that sacked Ur. It is here that Abraham forms his own coalition and retrieves his brother, killing off Chederlaomer in the process. Celebrating this victory with Abraham is the king of Sodom, none other than Melchizedek, the high priest of Salem. Abraham shares with Melchizedek the spoils of this military venture, and it is out of this victory the story of Abraham paying tithes to king Melchizedek derives. Melchizedek is a worshipper of the god Shãlem (son of El-Elyon), and a priest of El-Elyon, father of all the Gods, the same god the Deuteronomists claim spoke to Jacob, grandson of Abraham. This is the same God that Moses later asserts is Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Is it any wonder the Christian/Muslim/Judaist religions have such conflicting ideas of God?  The only records bearing their true relationship with Man is found on clay tablets and stone inscriptions long buried in the sand.

Abraham was said to have married his sister, who just also happened to be the sister of Senuseret I, pharaoh of the 12th dynasty in Egypt. Sarah is the daughter of Abraham’s father, Terah and Tohwait. Abraham’s mother is Yawnu. Apparently Abraham is on the move from the time he left Ur, for he does not settle too long anywhere until he reaches Egypt and Senuseret gets his eye on Sarah. According to historical records this nomadic life is driven by increasingly arid conditions in the region, as well as political instability due to the disintegration of the Anannage rule. His status as prince exceeds Abraham’s and Sarah marries him in exchange for Abraham’s life which Senuseret’s priests want to terminate. Sarah up to this time is reportedly barren, but there are two factors deciding the case. First, she could have been too young, or more likely, was a priestess who was restricted from bearing children during her service and therefore according to the Hammurabi law received from Ur-Nammu, granted Abraham a handmaid by which he could have children. Abraham’s heir is Ishmael, born to Hagar. But the Deuteronomists twist the connection to make it look as though Isaac is his heir. Isaac is quite possibly Sarah’s second child by the pharaoh, his elder brother being Amenemhet II. Had Senuseret died without an heir the story of Isaac may have been entirely different.  As it is, it is quite plausible that Isaac’s sacrifice by Abraham had less to do with a commandment of “God” than it was the extinguishing of a competitor heir for either Abraham or Senuseret. Otherwise, why would Isaac have been circumcised, this being an Egyptian royal custom? Prior to the Abrahamic story in the Bible there is no mention of circumcision, and one would naturally conclude this is because it did not exist in Abraham’s ancestry, he not being of direct descent.

Again and again, the Deuteronomists exploit this apparent conflict between brothers and heirship, sometimes manufacturing the story through mistranslation (Cain and Abel), or by birthright (Ishmael and Isaac, Jacob and Esau). This twisting continues with the twin bastard sons of Judah by Tamar (widow of Judah’s sons Er, and Onan), Zerah and Pharez. With the death of both of Judah’s sons one has to wonder about his motive to sire offspring by his daughter-in-law under the guise of her “harlotry.” It is through Pharez (lit. breach/burst forth. born first, even though Zerah’s hand had protruded first) that king David and Jesus derive their “royal” heirship. But Reuben who is the oldest of the twelve sons is conveniently forgotten, as is Zerah, who by rights was the first to exit his mother’s womb.

The dogma that Abraham had a prophetic dispensation is a complete fabrication of modern religious interpretation, and therefore anachronistic. The form and function of priests prior to the formalization of Israel was of a distinctly different character. It is Moses (Akhenaten) who imbues a new flavor to the function of priesthood with the sacrifices, rites, and laws established for the sole purpose of solidifying his One God religion. But even with him, there was no “restoration of the Gospel” by priesthood authority, as there was none with Noah (the great Flood was several thousand years before Noah’s invention), nor with any of the Old Testament prophets. In truth Akhenaten’s revision was not a monotheistic religion, but an attempt to return to the fundamental beliefs of their ancestors, where An was the chief God among the Elohim, or Grand Council, composed of his immediate family members. The children of Israel continued to worship the various deities that had accrued over the millennia who were descendents of the original Anannage Nine. Akhenaten attempted to pare these away and return to the original Order. The priests of Egypt did not share his True Believership, as it impacted their credibility as wise men of the royal cult. The Peter Principle was just as active in 1400 BC as it is in business and politics today. Without a means to save face and a piece of the action the Egyptian priests found it easier to eject Ahkenaten from his throne and install the Vizier Yusuf’s line in his stead.

Once it is understood that priests were not just the conservators of cult beliefs, but of the sciences and all matters pertaining to the maintenance and perpetuation of the kingdom, the concept of priesthood as proclaimed by Morgdumb fails in efficacy and validity. Correspondingly, the concept of dispensation, a “modern” anachronism born of contemporaries of Paul the Apostle also dissolves. The only “restoration” that took place over the millennia between Adam and Christ were feeble attempts by various True Believers who wanted to revive the Ancient Order and return to the genuine belief in God. The problem has been however, that in every instance, the available records have been corrupted and anachronistic, now verified by the Sumerian tablets, Dead Sea Scrolls, Amarna letters, Ras Shamra tablets, etc. as compared to the Christian and Hebrew Old Testaments.

There are no dispensations of Gospel or Priesthood. Such a thing was unknown in ancient times, predating the Exodus, just as there never was a Restoration as spoken of in the D&C section 86. Nor was there ever a priesthood authority that was passed down over the millennia, to be restored along with the Gospel with every “Apostacy", as taught by Morgdoc. Hugh Nibley’s book, Abraham in Egypt is as much a work of contrived fiction as the Deuteronomists’ version of history and heirship in the Old Testament. And so is Joseph Smith’s books of Abraham and Moses as contained in the Pearl of Great Price.

With such a monstrous discrepancy, it is no wonder with every scholarly exhumation of ancient texts, religious leaders of the major religions continually impede the translation and dissemination of these discoveries. The contents if allowed to propagate among Believers would completely destroy these religions in a few short years. But the truth has a way of defending itself and finding its way into the hands of those who treasure its possession. Persecutions, intimidations, excommunications, Inquisitions, and suppression ultimately fail. I look forward to the day when people everywhere will throw off the yoke of bondage promulgated by purveyors of religion, and political elitism. In light of this knowledge, not only does the religious strife have no foundation, but the striving for political ascendancy has no merit. There is no point to Gog and Magog; it is all just an ancient feud by those who lust for power, left over from a world struggling to revive a destroyed civilization 12,000 years ago.


Laurence Gardner The Origin of God
Laurence Gardner  Realm of the Ring Lords
Hugh Nibley Abraham in Egypt
CJCLDS scriptural additions The Doctrine and Covenants, The Pearl of Great Price